
In order to maintain the public nature and safety of the hotel, all guests staying at the hotel are required to abide by the rules listed below.
If you do not abide by these rules, we may refuse to allow you to use our hotel, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

  • (1) Please refrain from using any fire equipment, including heating, cooking, pressing, or irons, in the hallways or in your guest room. This does not include equipment provided by the hotel.
  • (2) Please refrain from smoking in bed or other places where a fire may easily occur. Please also refrain from smoking anywhere other than designated smoking areas and rooms.
  • (3) Please refrain from singing loudly, making noise, or engaging in other behavior that may offend or inconvenience others.
  • (4) Please do not bring the following items into the hallways or guest rooms:
    • (a) Pets such as animals and birds, except for assistance dogs (guide dogs, service dogs, and hearing assistance dogs).
    • (b) Items that emit a severely offensive odor
    • (c) An extremely large amount of goods
    • (d) Items that are flammable or easily combustible, such as gunpowder or volatile oils.
    • (e) Guns, crossbows, swords, etc. that are not legally permitted to be possessed
    • (f) Stimulants, narcotics, and other drugs and medicines prohibited by law
  • (5) Please refrain from gambling or any other behavior that disrupts public morals in the hallways or guest rooms.
  • (6) Please refrain from using the facilities and items in the hallways and guest rooms for purposes other than their intended use.
  • (7) Please do not take any guest room items out of the hotel or move them to other locations within the hotel.
  • (8) Please do not attach any foreign objects to the hotel buildings or facilities or alter their current state. If any damage is caused, you will be charged the actual cost.
  • (9) Please do not hang any items in the windows that may mar the appearance of the hotel.
  • (10) Please refrain from distributing advertising material to other guests within the hotel.
  • (11) Please do not leave your shoes or other belongings in the hallways or lobby.
  • (12) There is no curfew at our hotel. Please be sure to take your room card with you when you go out. If you lose your room card, you will be charged the actual cost.
  • (13) Please contact us in advance if you wish to change the number of nights or the number of people staying.
  • (14) We will store your laundry and any items left behind for up to three months after your departure. We will keep your luggage until your departure date.
  • (15) Please deposit valuables at the front desk after clearly indicating the type and value of the items. However, the following items cannot be kept. The hotel will not bear responsibility for theft of any other items.
    • (a) Cash or equivalent amount exceeding 50,000 yen
    • (b) Fine art, antiques and precious metals
    • (c) Computers and other precision equipment
    • (d) Personal information such as customer lists
    Please note that luggage will be kept until the day of departure.
  • (16) Please pay the accommodation fee in advance for the number of nights you will stay at the time of check-in. If you wish to extend your stay, please pay the number of nights you will stay at the time of your request.
  • (17) Please do not invite outsiders into guest rooms without permission or allow them to use the facilities and items in the guest rooms.
    The hotel does not allow anyone other than guests staying at the hotel to enter the rooms.
  • (18) Please do not use the guest rooms or the lobby as an office or sales space.
  • (19) We will not pay for shopping expenses, tickets, taxi fares, postage, luggage shipping, etc.
  • (20) Please use the restrooms in the building’s public areas in accordance with your gender-based physical (biological) characteristics.
  • (21) To ensure that guests can use our hotel’s large public baths comfortably and safely, we ask that all guests observe the following rules.
    • (a) We refuse entry to anyone with tattoos.
    • (b) We will not be held responsible for any theft that occurs in the changing rooms.
    • (c) In principle, the age limit for mixed bathing is 6 years old or younger. However, if the local government where the hotel is located imposes individual age restrictions based on ordinances, etc., these will be observed.
    • (d) Use of the lockers and the washing/drying machines located in the dressing rooms may only be limited to during the bath's operating hours.
    • (e) After the large public baths close, all locker doors will be open.
    • (f) Any items left in the lockers after the public baths have closed will be stored for three months, including the day they were found, and will be disposed of after that. (Food, drinks, magazines, etc. will be disposed of on the same day.) As a general rule, the hotel will not contact you.
    • (g) When using the large public baths (for men and women), please use them according to your physical (biological) gender.
  • (22) Please refrain from using hair dye or bleach in the guest rooms or public baths.

Article 1

  1. All accommodation contracts and related agreements to be concluded between this hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations (meaning laws and regulations or those based on laws and regulations; the same applies hereinafter) or generally accepted practices.
  2. In cases in which the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 2

  1. A Guest who intends to apply for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel must provide the Hotel with the following particulars:
    • (1) Name and contact details of guests
    • (2) Date of stay and expected time of arrival
    • (3) Any other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
    • (4) If it is discovered that the information you have provided under paragraph 1 is false, or if you have failed to provide any changes in violation of the preceding paragraph, we may refuse to enter into an accommodation contract or cancel it.
  2. If a Guest requests, during his/her stay, to extend his/her stay beyond the date specified in subparagraph (2) of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel will treat it as if he/she had made an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request was made.

Article 3

  1. An Accommodation Contract will be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel accepts the application as stipulated in the preceding Article.
  2. When an Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an application fee set by the Hotel, limited to the accommodation fees for the accommodation period, shall be paid by the date designated by the Hotel.
  3. The application fee will first be applied to the accommodation fee finally payable by the Guest, and in the event of the occurrence of a situation which is subject to the provisions of Articles 7 and 19, it will be applied in the order of penalty charges and compensation, and the remaining balance, if any, will be refunded at the time of payment of the fee as provided for in Article 13.
  4. If the application fee stipulated in paragraph 2 is not paid by the date specified by the Hotel pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, the Accommodation Contract shall become void. However, this shall only apply if the Hotel has so informed the Guest when specifying the due date for payment of the application fee.

Article 4

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded.
  2. If the Hotel has not requested the payment of the application fee as stipulated in paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the due date for the payment of the application fee when accepting your application for an Accommodation Contract, it will be treated as if the Hotel has accepted a special contract as stipulated in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 5

  1. The Hotel may refuse to enter into an Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
    • (1) When the application for accommodation does not conform to these Terms and Conditions
    • (2) When the Hotel is fully booked and no rooms are available.
    • (3) When the person seeking accommodation is deemed to be in danger of engaging in conduct that violates the provisions of the law, the public order, or good morals in regard to his/her accommodation
    • (4) The person seeking accommodation is a patient, etc. of a Class 1 infectious disease, Class 2 infectious disease, new influenza or other infectious disease, or a designated infectious disease to which provisions for hospitalization, etc. apply.
    • (5) When a violent demand is made regarding accommodation, or when an unreasonable burden is requested
    • (6) When a person seeking accommodation has repeatedly made requests to the hotel or its employees that are excessively burdensome and may significantly impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests, such as repeated requests for excessive services such as unreasonable discounts, unreasonable transportation, or unreasonable room upgrades, repeated requests for apologies that are socially unacceptable, or repeated scolding or other actions that restrain the person for long periods of time in person or over the phone, etc.
    • (7) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, malfunctions of facilities, or other unavoidable reasons
    • (8) When a person requesting lodging is intoxicated or otherwise deemed to be a nuisance to other guests, or when the person behaves in a manner that is a nuisance to other guests
    • (9) When the Guest has damaged the property of the Hotel or disrupted its operations, or has engaged in violence, intimidation, blackmail, obscene conduct, sexual harassment, forced kneeling, intimidating unreasonable demands, verbal or physical actions that violate the privacy or human rights of the Hotel employees, or other verbal or physical actions that are beyond social acceptability or disruptive of public morals, such as excessively loud voices or personal attacks, or when the Guest is deemed to have engaged in similar conduct in the past
    • (10) When it is discovered that the person seeking accommodation is a minor (under 18 years of age) and does not have parental consent
  2. In addition to the preceding paragraph, our hotel will not accept the accommodation contract if a person seeking accommodation is deemed to fall under any of the following items:
    • (1) Organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, companies or organizations related to organized crime groups, or persons related to these groups or other antisocial forces
    • (2) Corporations or other organizations whose business activities are controlled by anti-social forces such as organized crime groups
    • (3) A corporation in which any of its directors is a member of an organized crime group, a company or organization related to an organized crime group, or any other person related to such an organization or other anti-social force.
    • (4) When the guest behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests
    • (5) If the Guest has committed a violent act or has engaged in a violent manner towards the Hotel or the Hotel staff, or has made unreasonable demands on the Guest

Article 6

  1. If the Hotel does not comply with the request to enter into an Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Article, a Guest seeking accommodation may request an explanation from the Hotel for the reason.

Article 7

  1. The Guest may cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel.
  2. In cases where the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to reasons attributable to the Guest (except in cases where the Hotel has specified a due date for the application fee and requested payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 Paragraph 2 and the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract prior to payment), the Hotel shall charge a penalty as listed in Attached Table 2. However, in cases where the Hotel has accepted a special contract as set forth in Article 4 Paragraph 1, this shall apply only when the Hotel has notified the Guest of the obligation to pay the penalty when the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract, in accepting such special contract.
  3. If a Guest does not arrive by 9 pm on the day of the stay without contacting the Hotel (or by one hour after the expected arrival time if the Guest has stated the expected arrival time in advance), the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as having been cancelled by the Guest.

Article 8

  1. The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances:
    • (1) When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct himself or herself in a manner that violates the laws, public order or good morals in regard to his or her accommodation, or when he or she is deemed to have conducted himself or herself in a manner that violates the laws, public order or good morals in regard to his or her accommodation
    • (2) When the guest is a patient of a specific infectious disease
    • (3) When a guest makes violent demands or assumes an unreasonable burden in relation to his/her accommodation
    • (4) When the person seeking accommodation has repeatedly made requests which are excessively burdensome to the hotel or its employees and which are likely to significantly impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests
    • (5) When it is impossible to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, malfunctions of facilities, or other unavoidable reasons
    • (6) When a person requesting lodging is intoxicated or otherwise deemed to be a nuisance to other guests, or when the person's behavior is such that the person is a nuisance to other guests
    • (7) When the Guest has damaged the property of the Hotel or disrupted business operations, or has engaged in violence, intimidation, blackmail, obscene conduct, sexual harassment, forced kneeling, intimidating unreasonable demands, verbal or physical actions that violate the privacy or human rights of the Hotel employees, or other verbal or physical actions that are beyond social acceptability or disruptive of public morals, such as excessively loud voices or personal attacks, or when the Guest is deemed to have engaged in similar conduct in the past
    • (8) When the Guest smokes in bed, tampers with fire-fighting equipment, or fails to observe or engages in any of the prohibited activities set forth in the Hotel Usage Regulations established by the Hotel
  2. In addition to the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may unconditionally cancel the Accommodation Contract when the Guest is deemed to fall under any of the following items:
    • (1) Organized crime and other antisocial forces
    • (2) Corporations or other organizations whose business activities are controlled by anti-social forces such as organized crime groups
    • (3) A corporation in which any of its directors is a member of an organized crime group, a company or organization related to an organized crime group, or any other person related to such an organization or other anti-social force.
    • (4) When the guest behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests
    • (5) When a Guest makes a violent demand or acts violently against the Hotel or the Hotel's employees, or makes demands that are beyond the reasonable scope of the burden
  3. When the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs, the following shall apply:
    • (1) The Hotel will not charge a Guest for any services including accommodation which he or she has not yet received.
    • (2) After paying to the Hotel any charges for the accommodation services received, the Guest must immediately vacate the Hotel together with all baggage brought into the guest room.
    • (3) The Hotel will not respond to any claims for payment of cancellation charges, claims for damages or any other claims from the Guest.
  4. In the event that a situation falling under Paragraph 1 (1) through (8) or Paragraph 2 (1) through (5) occurs, our Hotel will promptly cooperate with the police and other relevant authorities and deal with the situation, regardless of whether the Accommodation Contract has been terminated or not.

Article 9

  1. On the day of accommodation, the Guest will be required to fill out a guest register at the Hotel and register the following particulars:
    • (1) The guest’s name, sex, address and contact details. Items stipulated by ordinances, etc. of the local government in which the hotel is located.
    • (2) For foreigners who do not have an address in Japan, your nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry (we will make a copy of your passport)
    • (3) Departure date and scheduled departure time
    • (4) Any other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
  2. If the Guest intends to pay the charges stipulated in Article 13 by any means other than currency, such as accommodation coupons or credit card, these shall be presented in advance at the time of registration stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
  3. Personal information provided to our hotel will be managed appropriately in accordance with the privacy policy of Sanco Inn Co., Ltd.

Article 10

  1. Guests may use the hotel rooms from 3:00pm to 10:00am the following morning (Grande brand: 3:00pm to 11:00am the following morning). However, in the case of consecutive stays, the rooms may be used all day except on the days of arrival and departure.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the room after the time specified in the same paragraph has elapsed.In such case, the Guest shall pay to the Hotel an additional amount specified in the following items according to the length of time used.
    • (1) 1,000 yen per hour (tax included)
    • (2) After 2pm: One night's accommodation fee (tax included)
    *If the room is fully booked, we may not be able to accommodate your request to use the room outside of the scheduled hours.
  3. Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2 (1), (2) The time and fees may be subject to temporary change due to unavoidable circumstances. In such case, we will notify you by appropriate means.

Article 11

  1. Guests must abide by the hotel rules and regulations posted within the hotel. If guests do not abide by these rules, they may be refused future use of the hotel.

Article 12

  1. The opening hours of the main facilities of our Hotel are as follows. Detailed opening hours of other facilities will be provided in the pamphlets provided, on notices posted in various locations, in the service information manuals in the guest rooms, etc.
    • (1) Front desk service hours
      • (a) No curfew
      • (b) Front desk service 24 hours *Some stores have extended service hours at night
  2. The hours set out in the preceding paragraph may be subject to temporary change due to unavoidable circumstances. In such cases, we will notify you by appropriate means.

Article 13

  1. The breakdown of the accommodation fees, etc. to be paid by the Guest shall be as set forth in Schedule 1.
  2. Payment of the accommodation charges, etc. as stated in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the front desk upon the Guest's arrival in currency or by any other means acceptable to the Hotel, such as accommodation coupons or credit card.
  3. Accommodation charges will be charged even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the guest room after the Hotel has provided it to the Guest and made it available for use.
  4. Accommodation fees are paid in advance.

Article 14

  1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages caused to the Guest in the fulfillment or nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements, unless such damages have been caused by reasons beyond the Hotel's control.
  2. The Hotel shall use the Wi-Fi and other internet connection services provided by the Hotel at its own discretion and responsibility. The Hotel does not guarantee the communication environment or communication speed. The Hotel shall not be held responsible for any other connection quality, failure or malfunction of the user's equipment, security, etc.
  3. The Hotel shall not be liable for any trouble suffered by customers arising from power outages, water outages, malfunctions or unavailability of facilities, or the activation of emergency broadcasting equipment caused by natural disasters, unexpected interruptions to electricity, water, gas, or other causes beyond the control of the Hotel's facilities.
  4. Our hotel is covered by hotel liability insurance in the event of a fire or other incident.

Article 15

  1. When the Hotel is unable to provide a contracted room to a Guest, it will, with the Guest's consent, arrange accommodation of similar standards elsewhere where possible.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the hotel is unable to arrange alternative accommodations, the hotel shall pay the guest a compensation fee equivalent to the breach of contract charges, which shall be applied to the amount of damages. However, if the hotel is unable to provide a room due to reasons beyond the hotel's control, the hotel shall not pay the compensation fee.

Article 16

  1. When loss, breakage or other damage occurs to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the guest, the hotel shall compensate for such damage, except in cases where such loss or breakage is due to acts of God. However, in the case of cash and valuables, if the hotel requests a declaration of their type and value and the guest fails to do so, the hotel shall compensate for such damage up to a maximum of 50,000 yen.
  2. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss, breakage or other damage caused to any goods, cash or valuables brought into the Hotel by the Guest but not deposited at the Front Desk, unless such loss, breakage or other damage is caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
  3. The maximum amount of goods, cash and valuables that a Guest may deposit at the Front Desk is 50,000 yen.

Article 17

  1. When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel prior to his/her stay, the Hotel shall be responsible for storing it only when such request has been approved in advance and shall hand it over to the Guest at the front desk at the time of his/her check-in.
  2. If a guest leaves their baggage or belongings behind at the hotel after they have checked out, they will be stored for three months, including the day they were found, and will be disposed of after that. (Food, drinks, magazines, etc. will be disposed of on the same day.) As a general rule, the hotel will not contact you.
  3. The cost of shipping back any items left behind will be borne by the guest (owner).
  4. The liability of the Hotel regarding the storage of the items referred to in this Article shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 16, Paragraph 1 of the Accommodation Contract.

Article 18

  1. When a guest uses the hotel's parking lot, regardless of whether the key to the vehicle has been deposited with the hotel, the hotel is merely lending the space and is not responsible for the management or removal of the vehicle. However, if the hotel causes damage through intentional or negligent acts on the part of the hotel in managing the parking lot, the hotel will be liable for compensation.
  2. The Hotel shall not be liable for any damage to the vehicle or the User caused by the following:
    • (1) Accidents and breakdowns caused by natural disasters or other force majeure
    • (2) Accidents and breakdowns caused by the load or attachments on the vehicle.
    • (3) Collisions, collisions, and other accidents occurring within the parking lot, as well as any trouble between Users, that are caused by reasons beyond the control of the Hotel
    • (4) Loss or theft of items or valuables in the vehicle
  3. If a Guest damages the parking lot facilities, etc., they will be required to compensate for such damage.
  4. If the Hotel discovers any illegal parking in the parking lot, the hotel will collect a fine from the user of the vehicle.

Article 19

  1. When the Hotel suffers damage caused through intentional or negligent acts on the part of the Guest, the Guest will compensate the Hotel for such damage.

Appendix 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Charges, etc. (related to Article 13, Paragraph 1)

Total amount to be paid by the guest

① Accommodation fee ・Room charge (accommodation plan charge)

・Consumption tax
② Additional charges ・Other usage fees

・Consumption tax

・Accommodation tax + other taxes (depending on local government)

Schedule 2 Penalty Charges (related to Article 7, Paragraph 2)

  No stay On the day The day before 2 days before ~
7 days before
Individual 100% 100% - -
(10 or more people)
100% 100% 80% 50%
  • (1) The percentage indicated here is the percentage of the penalty charge payable by the guest to the accommodation fee set forth in Schedule 1.
  • *If a price is set on the reservation site or travel product, it will generally follow that.
  • (2) If the number of contract days is shortened, a penalty for one day (the first day) will be collected regardless of the number of days shortened.
  • (3) Infants and young children excluded